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Innovation & Strategy GmbH
Lenbachplatz 3
80333 Munich | Germany





There are plenty of challenges in the digital world – in e-commerce, data management, you name it. As your digital enterprise solution provider, we accept your challenge. We are your partner for developing individual solutions that enable you to implement your business requirements in the most efficient way.

News from our blog

Low-Code Falls Short Without Full-Code

Low-code platforms have attracted significant attention, offering a compelling solution for businesses looking to expedite their digital transformation. However, reality often reveals a more nuanced picture.

News from our blog

Embracing B2B Consumerization: A Vital Business Imperative

While B2B transactions retain their unique complexity, the demand for a seamless, personalized online experience aligns with the best practices of B2C commerce.

New e-book

ESG - It is our responsibility

Everything you need to know now about ESG (Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance) and how you can meet your responsibilities.

Recommended by leading companies

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