After 20 years of e-commerce experience, we have become familiar with a wide variety of software solutions in this environment. We have a special appreciation for hybris software, which we accompanied on its development path over a longer period of time. With the acquisition by SAP in 2013, hybris was merged into SAP CX. This results in many synergy effects for the e-commerce software, which will provide users with additional functionalities and consolidate sustainability in the long term.
About SAP Commerce Cloud
With SAP Commerce Cloud, our customers get a framework at hand with which requirements can be implemented in a significantly shorter time compared to other providers. SAP Commerce Cloud already offers many strong features “out-of-the-box”, so that our customers can already achieve their set goals without major customization. In addition, the framework with its generic approach enables us to implement individual requirements without any problems. At the same time, there are no limitations to ensure embedding in the existing corporate IT.
In doing so, we have understood that no two solutions are alike. Of course, there are areas that can safely be called “commodities”, i.e. features that every commerce application should have, such as a catalog, the user area or the checkout with its payment options. Nevertheless, the business models of our customers differ significantly in the end and it is precisely here that the SAP CX solution shows its strengths because it makes individual adaptations possible without restrictions.
If you would like to learn more about our partners or are interested in becoming a partner, please contact our Business Development Team.
+49 (0)89-416 126-667