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Artificial Intelligence

in Pharma and Healthcare

Drug development, flawless legal documents, and faster diagnoses

Use Cases

The healthcare and pharmaceutical industry benefits in countless areas through the use of artificial intelligence.

For example, AI can simulate the chemical interactions used to evaluate a drug’s efficacy. This allows for quick and accurate identification of vaccines against viral infections.

AI can evaluate medical records, understand potential interventions based on specific criteria, and fully automate review processes, eliminating many overhead and repetitive tasks.

Benefits of AI

The global healthcare AI market size was estimated at $15.1 billion in 2022 and is expected to reach nearly $188 billion by 2030, growing at an impressive CAGR of 37% during the forecast period 2022 to 2030.

In contrast, estimates for the global AI market in the pharmaceutical sector are much lower. In 2022, it was estimated at $1,170.28 million. It is expected to level off at $9,241.34 million by 2030, at a CAGR of 29.5%.

AI applications can make a big difference in the healthcare and pharma industry

ai in pharma

More Information

We have been serving leading companies in the pharmaceutical and healthcare industry for many years. All of them deal with the topic of AI.

Therefore, we have compiled a booklet with interesting use cases, benefits, and market data for you, which you can download here for free.


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